The house is warm..
and maybe a little scarred from our Punk Out! Housewarming Party.. What a night of absolute hilarity!..

highlights include
- Rich and Rich trying to rub off one of Blake's workmate's tattos because they thought they were too crap to be real!.. (yes, they were real)..

- Blake sprawled out on the pavement pretending to be dead so that he could have his outline sprayed in pink hairspray and hence create a whimsicle bright pink police crime scene.. (unfortunately for the police it rained a couple of days after and washed the evidence away)..
- Xavier being attacked by a pair of scissors and some radiator paint to "punk up" his stark white t-shirt..

- The hairspray, the studs and black make-up that transformed the otherwise respectable citizens into punks with attitude!!..

All in all a fantastic warming of the house.. thanks to everyone who came and made it so much fun!.. and thanks for your efforts in coming in theme!!.. top notch!..

highlights include
- Rich and Rich trying to rub off one of Blake's workmate's tattos because they thought they were too crap to be real!.. (yes, they were real)..

- Blake sprawled out on the pavement pretending to be dead so that he could have his outline sprayed in pink hairspray and hence create a whimsicle bright pink police crime scene.. (unfortunately for the police it rained a couple of days after and washed the evidence away)..
- Xavier being attacked by a pair of scissors and some radiator paint to "punk up" his stark white t-shirt..

- The hairspray, the studs and black make-up that transformed the otherwise respectable citizens into punks with attitude!!..

All in all a fantastic warming of the house.. thanks to everyone who came and made it so much fun!.. and thanks for your efforts in coming in theme!!.. top notch!..