Starting the year off with a limping fizzle..
Where have I been the past 3 weeks??.. Wading (or maybe just floating) around in a pool of tepid post-Christmas and post-New Year anti-matter..
After the flurry of Christmas parties, end of year catch ups and farewells to my friends lucky enough to travel overseas for their holidays, there was nothing left but a sneeze at 1pm Xmas Eve, which by 3pm, was a itchy throat and cloggy head, and by 10pm, a full on sniffle, can't swallow type cold..
Xmas day was jolly, with lots of presents and fun.. We had a huge dinner supplied by Blake's bosses girlfriend - pheasant and turkey galore!.. with a side of strepsils for me.. yay!!
Boxing day was a haze of fever, sweats, coughs, aching back, delerium and ibuprofen.. was totally oblivious to the outside world!.. the fever broke that night and can you imagine my surprise when i woke on the 27th to find that I had slept through the huge tsunami devastation!!.. still on the ibuprofen and added tears of sympathy..
From the 28th to the 30th of Dec, Blake and I set off to the English countryside.. Ludlow in Shropshire to be exact.. to go and visit Blake's friends Caroline and Yupi and their son James.. It was lovely to get some fresh air and get out of London.. we poked around the village, castle and pubs, and played with James and all his christmas toys!!..
New Year's was spent at Vesbar with the gang, and then back to the She Bu Crew's playhouse for manic mayhem.. Blake and Jaco managed to make it down at 3am (after they closed the pub).. Crazy shenanigans - lucky there were no cameras around!!..
Since making back to work, nothing much has happened of note.. it just seems like all the fun and excitement of last year has caused a deficit at the moment.. i suppose there's only so much that can go around... :-)
After the flurry of Christmas parties, end of year catch ups and farewells to my friends lucky enough to travel overseas for their holidays, there was nothing left but a sneeze at 1pm Xmas Eve, which by 3pm, was a itchy throat and cloggy head, and by 10pm, a full on sniffle, can't swallow type cold..
Xmas day was jolly, with lots of presents and fun.. We had a huge dinner supplied by Blake's bosses girlfriend - pheasant and turkey galore!.. with a side of strepsils for me.. yay!!
Boxing day was a haze of fever, sweats, coughs, aching back, delerium and ibuprofen.. was totally oblivious to the outside world!.. the fever broke that night and can you imagine my surprise when i woke on the 27th to find that I had slept through the huge tsunami devastation!!.. still on the ibuprofen and added tears of sympathy..
From the 28th to the 30th of Dec, Blake and I set off to the English countryside.. Ludlow in Shropshire to be exact.. to go and visit Blake's friends Caroline and Yupi and their son James.. It was lovely to get some fresh air and get out of London.. we poked around the village, castle and pubs, and played with James and all his christmas toys!!..
New Year's was spent at Vesbar with the gang, and then back to the She Bu Crew's playhouse for manic mayhem.. Blake and Jaco managed to make it down at 3am (after they closed the pub).. Crazy shenanigans - lucky there were no cameras around!!..
Since making back to work, nothing much has happened of note.. it just seems like all the fun and excitement of last year has caused a deficit at the moment.. i suppose there's only so much that can go around... :-)
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